Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 9

Today was a "travel" day. We had been in Canterbury/Whitstable since Sunday afternoon visiting the sights in the area. We are starting our clockwise trip around England by traveling to Eastbourne on the south coast. Along the way we stopped and went through a number of properties.

I got to drive on the "dual carriageway" (freeway) for quite a distance this morning. The ring road around London is about 8 lanes across, and at times there are four lanes going to the right and 4 to the left in one direction. It is also interesting driving on the narrow roads. The left side edge of the road is also the edge of the house, hedge, tree or sidewalk on that side. There is usually no shoulder to speak of. at one point I was going around a corner and met a large truck going the other way. It was touch and go whether we could pass without touching. Other times my lane was wider than two of the roads I had been driving on earlier, put together. Needless to say, I'm enjoying the driving over here....very few traffic lights, and a LOT of roundabouts.

I find it amazing that my GPS can find the route to any postal code from another location. miles away, taking me down one narrow country lane after another, or one city street after another. It almost always knows exactly where we are, and if I make a wrong turn, or miss her directions, she recalculates and gives me new directions instantly.

1 comment:

jenny said...

Hey you crazy kids sure looks like your having a bunch of fun. lol. I love the blog, I even read it to Shaun every night to keep him updated too. Keep it up, having a great time I mean.

Loves ♥
Jenny, Shaun and Baby Carter.